Five Ways To Help Your Animal Ground

When you are grounded - you become your animal’s beacon of calm. Your centredness allows them to connect to you energetically and begins to guide your animal's nervous system to settle. Balanced energy eases their nervous system, helping them feel safe and slowly let their guard down to release physical and emotional stress. Here are five ways to help them coregulate their nervous system while increasing their sense of trust in you, themselves and their surroundings.

Here are five signs your animal may not be grounded and five ways to help

  1. Anxious, unable to settle and relax

  2. Unable to focus on you or in a situation

  3. Excessive vocalizing, whining and/or being clingy

  4. Defensive and “being on guard” - a heightened awareness of situations and sounds around them

  5. Wanting to hide and avoid people or situations

Your pet is looking to you to help them, and the first thing is to become physically aware of yourself so you can become your pet's beacon/guide and lead them by example.

Five quick ways to you can help your pet find their center.

  1. Become aware of your breathing and begin to slow down your breaths. Next, focus on your physical body, feet, and hands. Notice the space your body occupies in your surroundings. This helps you get into the present moment and gives your pet a better sense of you as their grounding beacon.

  2. Help your pet get in touch with their body - Use a slow, deliberate, and loving touch with two hands from the top of their head to the tip of their tail. Include touching them down each of their legs to their toes. This brings your pet's awareness to their body.

  3. Make your walk a meander, your jog with sniff breaks ( no cell phone checking). Let them even lead the walk with their nose. Having walks with no set agenda, intending to " smell the roses,” and seeing where the walk takes you slows this down and lets them decide. Sniffing is calming for their brain. Become curious, observe them, and see them relax as they take the world in through their nose.

  4. Play mindfully. Be engaged and work on matching and balancing in your energies. Laugh, giggle and bring out your inner child! A few moments of fun raise your oxytocin levels and leave you both feeling good and connected!

  5. Groom with intention. Have the energy of it as a spa treatment and that you essentially give them a full body massage with a brush! This is a great way to learn how their body is feeling, whether they are sore, itchy, or have any lumps or bumps—a great way to stay on top of their health and increase their relaxation hormones and your connection.

    Do you need support and guidance in your partnership with your pet?

I am here to support and guide you in your journey with greater presence and understanding. Schedule a session with me and learn how you can be there for each other.

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Hana Mäkinen

Professional Animal Communicator & Grief Specialist


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