Shift & Reconnect to Your Inner Joy

Getting into your happy place with your pet can be easy, especially when you are happy! Even if you are a little off, when you play with them, they often help you forget your troubles, raise your spirits and make you laugh. But what about those days or moments you don't feel happy and want to bring joy to your time with your animal?

The times when you are feeling down, upset or angry can make finding your inner joy challenging. It is best to acknowledge and face your present emotions and not avoid them. By acknowledging and naming your feeling can often start to shift or even shake them off. However, this is ok if you cannot shift or shake off a feeling.

If you are feeling stuck or frustrated by an emotion, sharing this awareness out loud with your animal can help release your heavy emotions and reconnect you with your inner joy. Your animal will also be ok because now you have named and shared your emotions with them. This reduces their desire to take on your feelings and helps you release some of the pressure of your emotions.

What can you do when you've shared your emotions and still feel heavy?

Setting an intention and recalling a memory where you felt happy can help you reconnect to your inner joy. This sets your purpose for what and how you intend to show up for yourself and your animal. Visualizing a memory helps you get in touch with the emotion you experienced at that moment. When you conjure up the physical and emotional sensations, your body remembers and re-experiences those feelings. This increases your ability to shift from heavier emotions and regenerate joy!

Some examples of memories can be of how you show your love to each other, activities, or adventures you’ve shared. Different memories come up at different times. To help recall, you could use favourite photos of animals, family, friends, and places. For example, when I feel down, I choose to recall the first time how one of my animals and I connected when we met. Or I think of Ceelo, my cat, laying on my heart and purring, or Soulstice, my dog, and I laying on the grass watching clouds. Sometimes I think of a childhood memory with my grandparents in Finland or my life adventures. Favourite memories are the ones that make you smile and feel like you are reliving them!

7 Steps to Return to Joy

  1. Take a moment to get still and check in with yourself

  2. Name your feelings

  3. Share them aloud with your animal

  4. Set an intention to feel joy

  5. Recall and imagine your favourite memory

  6. Focus on how the memory brings happiness

  7. Carry this joy into your time with your animal

Joy is not about how many minutes of fun you can have. It is about how you hold the feeling within you. When you reconnect with a lightness of joy in your heart, you benefit from greater peace and mindfulness in your everyday interactions with your animal. Now you are ready to interact with your animal joyfully! Go have fun!

 Capturing your inner joy in the present moment helps you continue to create new memories to use in the future! 

Do you need support and guidance in your partnership with your pet?

I am here to support and guide you in your journey with greater presence and understanding. Schedule a session with me and learn how you can be there for each other.

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Hana Mäkinen

Professional Animal Communicator & Grief Specialist


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