10 Steps To Mend Your Energetic Relationship With Your Pet

You know in life when everything is going along fine, and then life throws you a curveball? You lose your balance, sometimes even fall, and you lay there wondering what just happened? Well, that happened to me recently. I was in a balanced, happy place and just when I thought I had things going smoothly, I was surprised by some news that left me out of sorts and ungrounded. 

Life's little curveballs happen to everyone. So why am I telling you this? Because I want to share how these curveballs influence your internal energetic state and the silent ripple effect they have on your animal. 

We know energy is all around us and that we are energy, so we have an energy bond with our animals. Animals naturally have an energy awareness that allows them to sense and decipher their environment to help them decide how they need to respond. Since we are in a relationship and live with them, there is a natural energy dynamic between us. Energy is what builds our sense of connection. This genuine connection means our animals can sense what is behind our body language and emotions. And with greater awareness on our part, we too can begin to understand them.

Here is how each of my animals responded to my recent energetic shift

  • Soulstice, my 1 yr old rescue who has been with me for three months, became unsure, needy, and reactive. She wanted more attention as she was uncertain of how to be herself with my energy change. She started licking herself more, became hyper fixated on her ball when playing fetch, would run crazy zoomies and even frantically dig as ways to dispel the feeling of unease she felt from my energy. 

  • Ceelo, my 9 yr old male cat, started asking to go outside more to help him deal with the overload he felt from me. He would roll on the ground and release. He also started sleeping nestled against my back at night, letting me know he had my back.

  • Madeira, my 8 yr old female cat, began sleeping up near my head with her head on my pillow, something she had never done before. Her way of calming my thoughts and dreams during the night. She has also had digestive issues, which is her way of showing me how my energy has influenced her and a way to release my energy. 

Why do our animals respond this way? 

Our animals are no different from us. They respond differently to their energetic environment based on their personality, level of self-confidence, how they feel physically, their life experiences, maturity, and age. Many animals who feel ill, in pain, or in their senior years are typically more sensitive to energy shifts.

When you notice shifts in their behaviour, actions, mood, or appetite, it is an excellent opportunity to do a self-check-in with your energy. Here are some steps to help you bring back harmony in your relationship.

10 Steps to help your animal and you get your energetic relationship back on track

  1. Do a self-check-in about what you are experiencing.

  2. Acknowledge all your emotions around your energy change.

  3. Be kind to yourself- life happens in ebbs and flows.

  4. Do your best to become grounded and be gentle with the pace you need to sort through what you are experiencing.

  5. Observe your animal's behaviour, actions, and moods. Do they have an existing behaviour that has become more pronounced, are they showing a new behaviour, action or response, or has a sudden physical issue come up.

  6. Make a point to share with them what has happened, let them know what you are experiencing, how you will do your best to come back to balance and remind them how much you appreciate their support and understanding.

  7. Acknowledge how your energy has influenced them, thank them for their help and remind them to release your energy. 

  8. Share with them that it is more beneficial for them to be fully themselves, as this supports you better and how it will lessen excess stress about you worrying about them.  

  9. If you have a short fuse and get frustrated, you are human, be gentle with yourself and apologize to them when you get upset. Remind your animal that you are taking responsibility for your energy and are working on coming back into balance.

  10. When you share with your animal what is happening inside you, they can better understand the shift in your energy as now they know why you feel the way you do. Sharing gives them the ability to release and not take on your energy and be better able to support you. 

Energy is a constant part of every interaction with others and our surroundings. Even though you have no control over external factors, you can be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions since they influence the frequency at which you vibrate and the energy you emit outward to the world.

My curveball had nothing to do with my animals. They weren't there when it happened, but to them, it didn't matter what the issue was or why it happened. They knew my energy changed, and they were experiencing my shift and showing me how it influenced them. 

So next time you have a situation happen in your life, know your animal's instinct is to feel your energy as their way to support you. Their response to your energy is their way of communicating back to you that something has changed. Together you can bring each other back on track. Understanding our animal's energetic sensitivity and how in tune they are with you opens you to a more incredible bond with them - one of deep mutual respect and love.

 I am humbled each time this happens with my animals. And for that, I am forever grateful for them in my life! 

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