5 Steps To Receive Messages From Your Pet In The Afterlife

Most of us would do anything to feel the presence of our passed pet around us again. I want you to know that yes, you can receive messages from your pet on the other side. But sometimes in your deep pain and grief you have a hard time hearing their messages. And even though your intention to connect with them is strong, you end up feeling discouraged and frustrated when you still can’t sense their presence around you. This can be devastating. Know you aren't doing anything wrong, your animal is doing their best to support you in your pain.

You can always work with an animal communicator to help you hear their messages, but sometimes you want to be able to make those connections on your own. I want to help you make that connection with your pet in the afterlife and give you 5 simple steps to open yourself up to receive messages from them.

Where To Begin?

Let's begin with holding the intention of opening yourself up to receive their messages. Intention is incredibly powerful however, intention alone may not be enough for you to connect with your pet on the other side. Next, lay aside any sense of TRYING, as trying comes from an expectation and can interfere with your ability to connect. Switch your mind from TRYING and instead let yourself  EXPERIENCE. Communicating with your pet in the afterlife requires you to surrender your expectations.

Secondly, unresolved grief and emotional pain of their loss, coupled with the strong yearning to connect can make receiving any messages very difficult. Deep grief and pain needs to be felt. If you are blocking or denying these deep emotions, you also block your connection. Working through your pain and grief can be a long process. Be gentle with yourself and find support either with loved ones or professionally, if you feel you need help through the journey.

Remember, You Are ALWAYS Connected

Every animal that I have communicated with has shared that they remain connected to you (even if you are not aware of the connection). It’s not uncommon for your animal to send signs and messages to help you through your grief. 
Afterlife connection happens by means of energy. More specifically, the energy of  LOVE you hold for your beloved pet. The love you held for them here on earth is your own personal link with them in the afterlife.  It is this love that opens you up to sending, and receiving signs and messages with your beloved animal.

5 Steps To Open You Up To Hearing Their Messages

To start, find a quiet space where you can have uninterrupted time. Have a pen and paper handy, light a candle, grab a favourite photo and whatever else you would like to have on hand.

  1. Slow down, begin to feel the weight of your body in your chair, and take 5-10 deep slow breaths. Release any expectations you may have for this experience.

  2. Recall a happy memory of a time together with your animal that brought you such joy and filled your heart with love. Focus on what it was about that memory that connects you to the feeling of love.

  3. Focus on the love you feel when you think of the memory. Feel the love of that moment and how it fills up your heart and spills over into your body.  This feeling of love is what will connect you to your beloved pet.

  4. Ask the question - What does my animal wish me to know at this moment? Sit with this and wait to see what you feel, hear, sense, know or see. Trust it to be true.

  5. Journal your experience and trust the wisdom, emotions, or messages from your beloved animal.

You can do this daily to help you connect and bring healing to your grief.

Pet parents are often surprised as to the lengths their pets will go to send them signs and messages. With practice, this becomes easier and you will be able to connect faster each time. The ability to feel the love you shared is what helps heal your heart and keeps you forever connected with your beloved animal.

Do You Need Further Support?

As a certified grief educator, my Afterlife Animal Communication Session focuses on helping you walk through your grief and establish a connection with your beloved pet in the afterlife. If you are struggling or feeling alone in your grief, I am here to support you as you navigate your grief and healing journey.

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