Shift your Relationship to a True Partnership!

“For last year's words belong to last year's language, and next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning." TS Eliot.

This quote made me think of the words we use to communicate with our animal(s). What words have you been using, and what language will you speak in 2023? 

Communication is an integral part of any relationship. Many subtle nuances in our spoken language that we are often unaware of influence our communication style and connection with our animals. Some of these silent influences are body language, emotions and tonality. Your choice of words, how you deliver them, tone of voice, and body language all carry energy and vibration, just as your animal's energy and subtle body language influence their communication with you.

Humans are generally conditioned to look for what is faulty, broken or needs fixing, especially when stressed. Changing how we communicate takes a lot of conscious effort and awareness.  Although it will take work, we can shift from the negative to the positive by using a different voice with our animals. 

Replacing your old perspective to that of "nothing is broken" nor “needs fixing” in your relationship alters the energy of everything and creates a new language!  You begin to soften and think of your relationship differently. This thinking shifts your relationship towards a true partnership. A partnership as a team!  The focus is on you as two independent beings who are individually whole in yourselves, shining in your light and bringing out the light in each other!

5 Points to Transform your Relationship into a Partnership:

  1. Imagine the struggles you face now with your animal. How can you respond differently to those challenges? 

  2. How do you currently handle the ups and downs you experience with your animal?

  3. Who does your animal need you to be?

  4. Who do you need/want to be?

  5. What shift in care, time, work, and effort must happen for your desired partnership?

Soulstice and I are currently exploring our relationship and building our partnership. Each animal stretches us to grow and become a better version of ourselves. This process is always humbling and healing. The gift is a profound connection with one another at each step of the journey and, ultimately, a strong partnership. 

Remember, this isn't about fixing anything; it is about shifting your perspective, leading you to a better understanding and compassion for yourself, your animal, and your relationship.  Imagine, feel and visualize how you want your partnership to be. What do you need to do to foster that within yourself? What do you and your animal need to learn to grow? Together, create your partnership and bring it to the next level!

In this process, you will sometimes revert to old communication and thinking. Know that this is ok and not a setback, as this is part of your changes.  Like any other language, communication with your animal is an ever-evolving language. Ending the old language/thinking in your relationship brings a new voice and energy to your language with your animal. Make sure you enjoy this journey and the steps of your new path as you create your partnership.  You are together for a reason.  Play and enjoy what you create together!

Interested in a Relationship Energy Healing Session?

This session focuses on the relational energy exchange pathways between you and your pet, deepening your understanding of one another and creating room for further growth in your relationship.

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Hana Mäkinen

Professional Animal Communicator & Grief Specialist


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