Have you ever observed the natural connection between young children and animals? Infants, toddlers, and animals engage with the world similarly—through emotions, body language, intuition, and energetic expression rather than words. It's an innate quality that both children and animals possess, forming the foundation of their natural bond. These connections show us that we all have an inherent capacity to communicate beyond words, to share understanding and affection through the energy we emit and our emotions. This innate ability is the root of our connection.

The Energetic Bond: Your Soul-Level Connection with Your Pet

The bond you share with your pet is more than just a close relationship; it's an energetic connection. This invisible, universal field links all living beings, allowing us to communicate and have a connected bond. This energetic bond is all about aligning our desire to nurture togetherness. When we hold a level of presence and awareness, we gain a deep understanding of both our pet and ourselves as our energies reverberate in harmony.

This energetic bond resonates with our soul-level connection, rooted in profound love, companionship, and spiritual growth. This connection makes the relationship with your pet special, enabling a unique form of "silent" communication that transcends words.

Walking Through Challenging Times with an Open Heart

Maintaining your bond with your pet during challenging times, such as illness, a difficult diagnosis, or end-of-life, invites you to open your heart to love even more deeply. It’s natural for fear, worry, or doubt to cause your heart to tighten, making it hard to hold onto that connection. The key is to offer yourself the same compassion you would give a dear friend in a similar situation. This gentleness helps you stay present with your pet and true to yourself.

Trusting your heart and allowing yourself to feel the emotions can deepen your relationship with your pet, transforming the journey into a partnership rooted in love and support. It takes courage to face these complex emotions, but this willingness to open your heart strengthens your bond and enriches your time together.

Embracing the Journey with Your Pet

The relationship and time we share with our animals transform us. It reconnects us with the childlike innate open-heartedness we came into the world with and have often lost as adults. Our pets encourage us to become more present, compassionate, and intuitive, leading us to discover a more profound, meaningful way of being in the world.

Our partnerships with our pets can be some of our greatest teachers. They guide us back to ourselves when we let them, helping us keep our hearts open, even in challenging times. We further enhance our bond, which makes us more compassionate humans. Our relationship makes life more meaningful.

Heart-Centred Communication Exercise:

Connecting Through Emotions and Energy rather than Words:

Take a moment to ground yourself and bring awareness to your breath. Begin by noticing any sensations in your body when you think about your relationship with your pet. You might feel warmth, tension, tingling, or a flutter in your chest—whatever it is, take note without judgment. Allow yourself to fully feel and sense these emotions, acknowledging them as they rise.

Imagine these sensations as energy moving through you, radiating from your heart, and connecting with your pet. This energy carries your emotions—love, compassion, or even joy. Visualize this energy around you, the space between you and your pet, and then have it flow to your pet.

Notice your pet's response: a shift in their body language, eye glance, ears, or the space between you? Do they come closer, move further, stretch, yawn, relax, etc.? (Note: Their response is their response to your energy; it is not considered good or bad- they are acknowledging and responding to your energy. How exciting for you to witness their response and understand them even more!)

This is the start of your heart-centered communication.

Practice noticing your emotions and expressing them through your energy rather than words. Pay attention to your pet's physical and emotional cues—whether it's a softening of their gaze, a tilt of the head, or an affectionate gesture. When you notice their response, respond with more empathy and understanding, and observe as you both begin to mirror the energy that flows between you. This sharing of energy practice develops your nonverbal dialogue, further strengthening the bond between you and your pet on a deeper, more intuitive level.

Over time, this heart-centred communication can help you and your pet connect more profoundly, nurturing a space where both of you feel heard and understood as you share the energy of your love in your challenging time.

Want to explore more?

Check out our workshops to learn new ways to deepen your connection and attunement with your pet and better support yourself in your anticipatory grief.

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Hana Mäkinen

Professional Animal Communicator & Grief Specialist


Lean In: Opening Your Heart In Challenging Times