Lean In: Opening Your Heart In Challenging Times

When your pet faces a life-altering diagnosis, the challenges of aging, or begins their end-of-life journey, it can feel as though your world has been turned upside down. These moments often bring intense emotions, uncertainty, and fear. However, within this challenging time lies an opportunity to deepen and strengthen the energetic bond you share with your beloved pet, offering comfort and connection for both of you.

The Courage to Open Your Heart

Navigating your pet's challenging times requires the courage to open your heart and embrace vulnerability. This process invites you to fully experience the love you share and the complex emotions that arise. By allowing yourself to feel these emotions, you create a space where the energetic bond with your pet can grow stronger, transcending the physical realm and embodying all the love, compassion, and shared experiences between you.

Understanding and Balancing Energy Dynamics with Your Pet

Both you and your pet possess unique energetic frequencies shaped by your thoughts, feelings, life experiences, and environment. This energy silently communicates your emotions and intentions, forming a powerful, reciprocal connection. Pets, often more sensitive to energy fields than humans, can easily pick up on shifts in your energy and their surroundings, responding with changes in their behaviour.

Maintaining a balanced energy flow between you and your pet during challenging times like illness, aging, or end-of-life stages is important. Various factors can disrupt this balance, leading to shifts in each of your energies. Your emotional states—such as sadness, worry, frustration, fear, or grief—can disrupt your natural energy flow, particularly if these emotions are suppressed. Similarly, your pet’s physical discomfort may heighten their sensitivity, making them more attuned to all the energies around them. They may respond by withdrawing, becoming more cuddly or vocal, or changing their sleep and eating patterns. External stressors, such as changes in care routines, medications, or unresolved grief from past losses, can further influence the balance of the energy flow between you.

It is impossible to have balanced energy at all times. The focus is to have the balanced energy flow between you become the anchor you strive to have. Think of it as, “In this moment, with everything going on, we are balanced enough, and this is good enough.” Energy flow is something that lives and flows between you.

Recognizing these dynamics allows you to make conscious choices that support and strengthen your bond, helping you and your pet navigate difficult moments with greater ease and understanding.

Ten Ways to Keep the Love and Connection Flowing with Your Pet:

Self-Reflection: Regularly check in with yourself to acknowledge and learn from your emotions. This self-awareness helps you manage your energy and its impact on you and your pet. It defuses the power of your emotions and creates space for an energetic shift of more compassion and love to come in. This openness in yourself allows your pet to feel your love and compassion fully.

Emotions at this time are messy, but this is a messy journey you are on; the more you can allow yourself to move through the ebb and flow of your feelings when they arise, the more honest you are in the moment, you gain a greater level of presence to hold the space for your pet.

Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself as you navigate life's challenges. Practicing self-compassion allows you to approach your pet calmly and lovingly.

Grounding: Take moments to center yourself and find balance. Grounding helps you stabilize your energy, creating a more peaceful environment for your pet.

Observation: Pay attention to your pet’s behaviour and any changes. Noticing these shifts can give you insights into how your energy might affect them.

Communication: Share what you’re experiencing with your pet. Express gratitude for their support and tell them how much you appreciate their companionship.

Acknowledgment: Recognize your energy and observe how it may influence your pet. Acknowledge their understanding and how they want to help you, and thank them for bringing this awareness to your attention.

Release: Encourage your pet to release any absorbed emotional energy that does not serve them.

Support: Remind your pet that they are free to be themselves. Let them know that your emotions are yours to manage and that they can allow your energy to flow around or through them without taking it on.

Apology: If you believe your energy is influencing your pet, apologize. Thank them for their innate desire to help you and reassure them that it’s more helpful for you when they let your energy go, as you take responsibility for it.

Understanding: Share your feelings with your pet. This openness shifts the energy between you, releasing unspoken stresses and deepening your bond. Your pet listens to your soul, offering a safe space for genuine connection.

Walking Together in Love

As you navigate the challenges of your pet's illness, aging and end-of-life journey, it's important to remember that the bond you share is powerful and enduring. By opening your heart, understanding the energy you each bring into the relationship, and embracing your emotions, you create a space of love and compassion that will hold both you and your pet through this time. This energetic connection is a testament to the love you share.

Explore our workshops to learn new ways to deepen your connection and attunement with your pet and better support yourself in your anticipatory grief.

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Hana Mäkinen

Professional Animal Communicator & Grief Specialist


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