Become Aware Of The Silent Conversations You Are Having With Your Pet
Animals are feeling beings. They acutely feel the energy of everything, and everyone, in their surroundings. This level of energetic awareness helps them to sense and decipher their environment. Since your pet is in-tune with your internal energetic state, you often convey messages to them that you are unaware of. These silent conversations you are having with them can impact their comfort levels and how they interact with you.
Our Pets Rely On Us For Their Energetic Well-Being
Our pets are not only dependent on us for their physical well-being, they are also dependent on us for their energetic well-being. Animals are feeling beings, meaning they experience the world primarily through the energy and emotions that surround them. If you are looking to have a stronger connection with, and greater understanding of your pet, cultivating an awareness of your energetic state and surroundings is essential.
Showing Your Pet Gratitude In A Way They Truly Understand
Our animals don't speak English or any other spoken language, for that matter. They "speak" the language of energy, senses, and pure present moment awareness. When you say, "good boy," your dog isn't necessarily understanding the words; instead, they hear your tone and feel your energy of loving affection. I'll walk you through how to express gratitude in a way your pet will truly understand!