Autumn Phase Of Life - Our Pet’s Senior Years

My favourite time of the year is when the air is crisp, the mornings are cool, and the bountiful gardens are in harvest. I sit in the warm sunny afternoon sipping a good cuppa tea while savouring the change of seasons and find the irony of how each phase of life has its season too. I get excited as the leaves change colour and offer a spectacular show of vibrant colours before they fall. The last hurrah of magnificent colour and beauty before all prepares for the stillness of winter.

So what does my favourite season have to do with animal communication? Well, everything, actually. I equate autumn with the beginning of the senior years of our beloved animals. The slow, gradual aging where they begin to slow down, sleep a little more, show their vibrancy and love more profoundly, savouring everything. Their personality changes; they know exactly what they like and don't like and have no problem letting us know the difference! They don't waste time doing things they don't want to do and jump at the chance with such joy to do what they want!

This summer, my niece took photos of my sweet boy, Bosphorus, and it wasn't until I saw the picture that I noticed he is becoming an old man. I felt a twinge of sadness when I saw his grey, and my heart had a little pang. As I thought, wow, we are now in the senior years with him. Where did this time go? He doesn't look as old in person…But the camera does not lie…It tells more of the truth than we can see with my eyes.

Bosphorus is 9 1/2 years now, and he teaches me to slow down and enjoy the moments on our walks in the forest. Stopping, smelling and noticing everything as if it were for the first time.

Even though we may walk the route in a different direction, and I know the area inside out, he has taught me to see that it is never the same each time we go out. Bosphorus teaches me that no two moments can ever be the same.

Bosphorus is my stable companion who reminds me how to stay grounded. As he is in his autumn phase of life, I am thrilled I can enjoy all the wisdom he has to share with me.

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