The 6 F's You Need To Know To Better Understand Your Rescue Dog

Animal communication can help you understand your animal better. And if you have a rescue or reactive animal, it can certainly give your relationship a jump start in learning more about each other. This blog looks at the most common reactions a rescue or reactive dog can have when faced with a new situation and how to best approach them from an animal communicator’s perspective.

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How To Create Greater Connection When Greeting A Dog

One way you can reduce misunderstandings with our canine companions is to become aware of the role body language plays in your interaction. One common interaction where we can see vast differences in body language between humans and dogs is when greeting one another. Here are some tips to help you create a stronger connection when greeting a dog.

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Autumn Phase Of Life - Our Pet’s Senior Years

So what does autumn have to do with animal communication? Well, everything, actually. I equate autumn with the beginning of the senior years of our beloved animals. This summer, my niece took photos of my sweet boy, Bosphorus, and it wasn't until I saw the picture that I noticed he is becoming an old man. I felt a twinge of sadness when I saw his grey, and my heart had a little pang. As I thought, wow, we are now in the senior years with him.

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Behavioural Issues Are Not Always What They Seem

Behavioural issues are not always what they seem! They can be caused by physical pain, emotional issues, rescue trauma, abuse, injury, fear, misunderstanding, trying to get our attention, and mirroring of their person, just to name a few. Animal communication can make it easier to get to the root of the behaviour and discover why they are acting the way they are.

The only thing for certain is that an animal's behaviour always makes perfect sense to them!

This is Jasper & Sally’s story.

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