Communication With Your Pet Requires Honesty And Evolution

Since I’m an animal communicator, it’s often assumed that my animals must always be on their best behaviour. But, while I have the tools to speak with my animals, communicating with them can still have its challenges, especially when I am not centred myself. That’s when my animals help me to get honest with myself.

If I am out of balance, I cannot clearly hear their bids for attention or meet their need for understanding/love/etc. Despite times when they can each absolutely test me, our relationships are based on mutual respect. I see our communication challenges as opportunities for growth, learning, and continuous personal evolution. When I feel my animals are not listening to me, they’re teaching me not only to check in with myself but to think outside of the box and discover new ways to connect and communicate with them and myself. I am always learning, just as they are always teaching. Language is fluid and continuously changing with the times, and the language of animal communication is no different.

There are also times when our communication easily flows. I find this happens most from a grounded, heart-centred place. It is this heart-opening when we are most in tune with ourselves and one another. We are in complete harmony in these moments, and the connection feels sacred and special. I am continuously witnessing the awe and wonder of how incredible animal communication is. I often think that spoken word lacks so much compared to the breadth and depth of their language.

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