Live Your Best Life In Your Senior Years!

Senior animals have shared with me how they acknowledge, accept and trust the aging process. They have no apprehension or fear of it. They live in each moment of each day with full awareness.

Our beloved animals live and lead from their heart, instinctively knowing how to graciously surrender and savour all aspects of the natural life cycles.

Bosphorus, my 11 yr old Rottie, shared his aging insight the winter before he passed. Below is his wisdom.

The winter sun was beginning to go behind the mountains and set for the day. The last rays caught the side of Bosphorus. His fur glistened, and I noticed his shape differently. The light on his ribs showed that he was getting leaner, despite how much I fed him. In his last few years, I noticed his once vibrant, muscular body losing muscle mass. He still had a bounce in his stride, so when he walked, his ears happily flapped with each step. It always made me smile at how happy and carefree he was on our walks. Our daily forest walks were our special time together. That day, though, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as I noticed the signs of aging in his body. At that moment, I asked him his thoughts on growing old and if he wanted to share his insights on aging.

He quickly responded, saying, "Humans make such a big deal about aging. It is so hard for all of you because humans don't live now. Human's heads are full of this, that and lists, and even when they are supposed to be with us, their mind is distracted and elsewhere."  

He continued, "When humans realize they are old, they become upset, angry, and fearful. I think they are upset at themselves because they haven't lived their best life up to this point." Bosphorus was walking up ahead of me. He turned back to look at me and said, "So humans need to figure out when they are going to start living their life in the present moment. Then they can enjoy and be happy and won't need to be scared of getting old." and with that, he stopped in his tracks, dropped to the ground and rolled with such vigour and joy in the fresh snow. I watched him with such a deep love in my heart as he savoured each aspect of that magnificent roll. He got up, shook himself and then ran toward me with the biggest infectious grin across his jowls. 

I couldn't help but smile at the profoundness of his words and laugh out loud at his sheer joy as he bounded toward me. I thanked him and said, "Gosh, I love you and sure do savour our time together." We played the rest of the way back to the house. Ever-present with one another and the preciousness of the moment we were sharing. 

Animals, indeed, continue to open and fill our hearts. We gain new levels of compassion, allowing us to connect more deeply with them and ourselves. Having a beloved animal companion grow old with you is such a privilege and honour. We create memories and share such life milestones with them.  

How do you embrace your animal's senior years and continue to create new memories? 

Do you need support and guidance in your pet’s senior years?

I am here to support you and your aging pet so you may navigate your journey with greater presence. Schedule a session with me to help  Read another senior blog here and learn how you can be there for them.

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Hana Mäkinen

Professional Animal Communicator & Grief Specialist


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