The Forever Connection Hana Mäkinen The Forever Connection Hana Mäkinen

Signs Of Connection And Comfort From Your Pet In The Afterlife

It is normal to feel disconnected after losing a beloved pet. After they are gone, you deeply long for some connection. There is a strong desire to receive a message from them, as you want to know they are okay.

I want to share three common blocks people experience after their pet's death that keeps them from feeling connected with them in the afterlife and common signs your pet may be trying to send you.

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5 Steps To Receive Messages From Your Pet In The Afterlife

Most of us would do anything to feel the presence of our passed pet around us again. I want you to know that yes, you can receive messages from your pet on the other side. But sometimes in your deep pain and grief you have a hard time hearing their messages. Here are 5 steps to open you up to receiving messages from your pet in the afterlife.

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On Pet Loss And Walking Through Your Grief

When we view our animals as having a soul, we can reach inside for more profound gratitude and appreciation for our time with our beloved pets and the amazing gifts we received. If we remain open to love and gratitude in this time of deep grief, we can walk through our pain from their loss and find courage, healing, and a new self we never knew we had.

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