The Role of Trust in Relationships with Pets
One of the greatest gifts we can share with our pets is a relationship rooted in trust, understanding, and emotional connection. My cat, Ceelo, tested this bond on one unforgettable day a few years ago.
Ceelo, who has always been confident and grounded, had never climbed a tree until one day when his survival instinct kicked in. A neighbour's dog chased and treed him. I found him 20 feet up our huge fur tree, clinging to a branch and meowing for help.
I asked (animal communication) if he felt he could get himself down. He hesitated but said he could try and turned to face headfirst toward the ground. My heart jumped. "No, Ceelo!" I called out, “That's not the way down. Go to that big branch to your right and rest there!” He listened, found the sturdy branch to straddle, and sat like a rider on a horse. (Ceelo is a large cat, and those gave him the relief of clinging to the tree)
I asked if he'd feel safe jumping into a blanket if the kids and I held it below. He agreed. I ran to grab a blanket, returned…
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Live Your Best Life In Your Senior Years!
Senior animals have shared with me how they acknowledge, accept and trust the aging process. They have no apprehension or fear of it. They live in each moment of each day with full awareness. Our beloved animals live and lead from their heart, instinctively knowing how to graciously surrender and savour all aspects of the natural life cycles.
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What Job Does Your Pet Truly Want?
Everyone, including our pets, fulfill specific roles within a household. Sometimes our pets are happy with their role and couldn’t imagine contributing differently to the family system. Other times the role expected of them doesn’t always align with the role they truly want. Here is Boris’s story.
How Our Pets Bring Awareness To Our Emotions
From my experience working with animals, they ALWAYS have a reason for their behaviour and come up with what they think is the best way to get their message across. Most of the time, their way of getting their message across doesn't make sense to us, but it makes perfect sense to them! Humans are masters of blocking, avoiding and living in our heads/thoughts and worry. We must give our pets credit for helping us take accountability for our emotions!
Read this cat’s story.
Behavioural Issues Are Not Always What They Seem
Behavioural issues are not always what they seem! They can be caused by physical pain, emotional issues, rescue trauma, abuse, injury, fear, misunderstanding, trying to get our attention, and mirroring of their person, just to name a few. Animal communication can make it easier to get to the root of the behaviour and discover why they are acting the way they are.
The only thing for certain is that an animal's behaviour always makes perfect sense to them!
This is Jasper & Sally’s story.