Words Matter: Unlocking Deeper Communication with Your Pet

The energetic vibration of your words to your pet influences your connection with them. Awareness of the energy behind your words shifts your communication, enhances your connection, and opens your relationship to more compassion. The words we speak are more than just the tone we convey. Each word carries its own energetic vibration, which interacts with our emotions. This creates a complex layer of communication for our pets to process. When talking with our pets, the words we choose to speak carry energetic vibrations that significantly influence our communication with them. Being mindful of the energy behind our language enhances our communication and opens us to a deeper, more compassionate relationship.

Often, we are conditioned to concentrate on what isn't working or needs fixing in our relationship with our pets. This tendency leads us to communicate our desires and wants from a place of command/demand or fear. Also, our chosen words are shaped by our judgments, beliefs, and biases. For instance, if we frequently worry about what could go wrong or adverse outcomes for our pets, we unintentionally project that fear onto them.

How Words Influence Pets

Words hold power not only through their definition, context, and meaning but also through the energy they carry. For example, telling your pet,  "Don't bark" or "Don't jump on the sofa," will lead them to focus on the words "bark" or "sofa," as pets don't process negations the same way humans do. Instead, rephrase your requests to emphasize desired behaviours, such as "Please use your inside voice" or "Please rest on your bed."

Client Stories

Preparing for the vet: The energy behind your words plays a critical role in how your pet energetically receives them. I recently had a client who talked about needing to take her cat to the vet and how she would have to trap him to catch him and struggle to get him in the crate.

Now, if you think about those words, how does reading “trap, catch, struggle” make you feel? The words convey a lot of energy. What happens to your body when you read them? Do you have an image pop into your mind about how the situation may look like?

I repeated to the client what she said and then asked her to check in with her body and how she felt upon hearing it. She said she felt tight and tense in her body and even afraid. I shared this is the energy her cat would feel from her using those words. I suggested finding other words, and we discussed options; she mentioned she had recently purchased a swaddle wrap for her cat. I asked her how she felt about the word swaddle and the idea of swaddling her cat, and she said she felt calmer and found it even soothing. I suggested she explain to her cat that she would wrap him gently, and he would be swaddled, which would help create a sense of safety for him. The energy shift was palpable by the change of words.

How is your body and energy when you read this? Language change can significantly impact how pets respond to our requests. Remember, animals are of free will and may often take longer to process before responding. ( also, they will not always agree )We need to give them time to decide.

Preparing for a possible evacuation: In a recent hurricane, a client wanted to be ready to evacuate and was struggling to figure out how she could get her cat, who hated crates, into one. She feared all this would happen in a hurry and under tremendous stress, and how would she catch and get him into the crate? She said it would be a fight. I asked her how this made her feel. She said she was fearful; her body was tense and stressed, and she worried she would never be able to save her cat or that he would never trust her again.

So, in my communication with her cat, I explained about the hurricane and the danger it was imposing on them and the probability of having to evacuate, and that would mean for him to be safe and stay together with her, he would need to be brave and go into the crate so he could be safely carried away and be with his family in case they needed to evacuate. I also explained what would happen to him if he stayed behind and the family left without him. And I let him know he was of free will to decide what he wanted to do. The following day, I received an email saying that night was at its peak. The power went out, and luckily, they didn't need to evacuate; she searched the house before bed and found her cat safely sitting in her dog’s crate, ready to go if they needed to leave. She said she had never known her cat to go near or in a crate of his free will. She wrote- "wow, he heard you and understood the importance of the situation and freely made his choice."

Focusing on Positive, Clear Communication

Ultimately, the words we choose to speak with our pets can strengthen or weaken our communication. Focus on expressing what you want clearly and positively, which allows our pets to respond willingly.


  • What is it I truly want to communicate?

  • How do I communicate without using negation?

  • How can I express this by focusing on what I want rather than what I don't like or want?

  • Consider how the energy of your words might feel if they were spoken to you.

  • Do they create a feeling of constriction or expansion in your body?

  • Would they inspire understanding and cooperation or create confusion and resistance?

Words matter because their energy shapes the flow of communication. You create a more harmonious exchange by choosing words that reflect what you want and phrasing them as "Would you be willing to…" or "I'd love if you could…". It is also essential to explain to your animal why you want them to do or be a certain way, this helps them to often agree when they understand the purpose and importance of your ask. This isn't only about the tone or delivery of your words; it's about recognizing that the words you choose carry their own energy and how they help align the connection between you and your pet to an even deeper level of understanding.

The words you choose and the energy behind them shape our connection with our pets. Focusing on positive, clear communication can deepen your bond and cultivate a relationship built on understanding and trust. Remember, every interaction with your pet is an opportunity to strengthen that bond. So, let your words have the energy of love and compassion. When you approach your pet with this mindful communication, you create a partnership and a lifelong friendship filled with joy and connection. Embrace the profound influence of your words, and watch your relationship flourish beyond measure.

Begin today by paying attention to the words you choose. Notice how both your energy and your pet’s response shift. Share your experiences in the comments!

Want to explore more?

Whether navigating a specific challenge or simply seeking to understand your pet's perspective better, a personalized session offers the insights and tools to communicate with clarity and compassion, helping you discover your pet’s unique language, refine your communication, and strengthen your connection like never before. Book a session.

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Do you want to learn more about how your pet communicates with you?

Hana Mäkinen

Professional Animal Communicator & Grief Specialist


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