The Role of Trust in Relationships with Pets
One of the greatest gifts we can share with our pets is a relationship rooted in trust, understanding, and emotional connection. My cat, Ceelo, tested this bond on one unforgettable day a few years ago.
Ceelo, who has always been confident and grounded, had never climbed a tree until one day when his survival instinct kicked in. A neighbour's dog chased and treed him. I found him 20 feet up our huge fur tree, clinging to a branch and meowing for help.
I asked (animal communication) if he felt he could get himself down. He hesitated but said he could try and turned to face headfirst toward the ground. My heart jumped. "No, Ceelo!" I called out, “That's not the way down. Go to that big branch to your right and rest there!” He listened, found the sturdy branch to straddle, and sat like a rider on a horse. (Ceelo is a large cat, and those gave him the relief of clinging to the tree)
I asked if he'd feel safe jumping into a blanket if the kids and I held it below. He agreed. I ran to grab a blanket, returned…
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Words Matter: Unlocking Deeper Communication with Your Pet
The energetic vibration of your words to your pet influences your connection with them. Awareness of the energy behind your words shifts your communication, enhances your connection, and opens your relationship to more compassion. The words we speak are more than just the tone we convey. Each word carries its own energetic vibration, which interacts with our emotions. This creates a complex layer of communication for our pets to process. When talking with our pets, the words we choose to speak carry energetic vibrations that significantly influence our communication with them. Being mindful of the energy behind our language enhances our communication and opens us to a deeper, more compassionate relationship.
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Why I Use Telepathy To Communicate With My Animals
Although you can communicate with your animal in many ways, TELEPATHY is their primary form of communication. Telepathy is a 2-way dialogue that occurs without spoken or written word.
So, why is telepathy animals' primary form of communication? Because telepathy allows for the exchange of sensory information via images, sensations, and knowing.
And animals rule the sensory world!
Telepathy 101
Telepathy is the foundation of animal communication. It is a form of communication which involves the sensory organ system. Telepathic communication is when non-verbal information is shared back and forth through the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. In Telepathy 101, I will reintroduce yourself to your senses and help you being your journey to telepathically communicating with your pet.
Become Aware Of The Silent Conversations You Are Having With Your Pet
Animals are feeling beings. They acutely feel the energy of everything, and everyone, in their surroundings. This level of energetic awareness helps them to sense and decipher their environment. Since your pet is in-tune with your internal energetic state, you often convey messages to them that you are unaware of. These silent conversations you are having with them can impact their comfort levels and how they interact with you.
Our Pets Rely On Us For Their Energetic Well-Being
Our pets are not only dependent on us for their physical well-being, they are also dependent on us for their energetic well-being. Animals are feeling beings, meaning they experience the world primarily through the energy and emotions that surround them. If you are looking to have a stronger connection with, and greater understanding of your pet, cultivating an awareness of your energetic state and surroundings is essential.
How To Create Greater Connection When Greeting A Dog
One way you can reduce misunderstandings with our canine companions is to become aware of the role body language plays in your interaction. One common interaction where we can see vast differences in body language between humans and dogs is when greeting one another. Here are some tips to help you create a stronger connection when greeting a dog.
Learn Your Pet's Distinct Body Language
We all want to better understand and relate to our pets and our pets do the best they can to navigate our world and language when they live with us. What we don't realize is the depths that our animals communicate back to us with their body. Becoming familiar with the role of their body language in your communication with them will ensure that their important messages won’t be missed. Let me teach you how to learn your pet’s distinct body language!
Showing Your Pet Gratitude In A Way They Truly Understand
Our animals don't speak English or any other spoken language, for that matter. They "speak" the language of energy, senses, and pure present moment awareness. When you say, "good boy," your dog isn't necessarily understanding the words; instead, they hear your tone and feel your energy of loving affection. I'll walk you through how to express gratitude in a way your pet will truly understand!