Our Pets Rely On Us For Their Energetic Well-Being

Our pets are not only dependent on us for their physical well-being, they are also dependent on us for their energetic well-being. Animals are feeling beings, meaning they experience the world primarily through the energy and emotions that surround them. If you are looking to have a stronger connection with, and greater understanding of your pet, cultivating an awareness of your energetic state and surroundings is essential. 

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How To Create Greater Connection When Greeting A Dog

One way you can reduce misunderstandings with our canine companions is to become aware of the role body language plays in your interaction. One common interaction where we can see vast differences in body language between humans and dogs is when greeting one another. Here are some tips to help you create a stronger connection when greeting a dog.

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Learn Your Pet's Distinct Body Language

We all want to better understand and relate to our pets and our pets do the best they can to navigate our world and language when they live with us. What we don't realize is the depths that our animals communicate back to us with their body. Becoming familiar with the role of their body language in your communication with them will ensure that their important messages won’t be missed. Let me teach you how to learn your pet’s distinct body language!

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Pet Loss & Grief Pet Loss & Grief

On The Experience Of Grief - Expanding Your Emotional Repertoire

Grief expands your existing emotional repertoire. You can choose how you want it to join you. It can close you off from yourself and others as you try to hide and protect yourself from it, or it can deepen your empathy for yourself and others. Grief is felt on a deep soul level. It is a journey that is unique to each individual, yet, the intensity of the journey is common to all of us, which allows for connection and understanding.

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On Pet Loss And Walking Through Your Grief

When we view our animals as having a soul, we can reach inside for more profound gratitude and appreciation for our time with our beloved pets and the amazing gifts we received. If we remain open to love and gratitude in this time of deep grief, we can walk through our pain from their loss and find courage, healing, and a new self we never knew we had.

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Showing Your Pet Gratitude In A Way They Truly Understand

Our animals don't speak English or any other spoken language, for that matter. They "speak" the language of energy, senses, and pure present moment awareness. When you say, "good boy," your dog isn't necessarily understanding the words; instead, they hear your tone and feel your energy of loving affection. I'll walk you through how to express gratitude in a way your pet will truly understand!

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How Our Pets Bring Awareness To Our Emotions

From my experience working with animals, they ALWAYS have a reason for their behaviour and come up with what they think is the best way to get their message across. Most of the time, their way of getting their message across doesn't make sense to us, but it makes perfect sense to them! Humans are masters of blocking, avoiding and living in our heads/thoughts and worry. We must give our pets credit for helping us take accountability for our emotions!

Read this cat’s story.

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