Five Ways To Help Your Animal Ground
When you are grounded -You become your animal’s beacon of calm when you are centred, allowing them to connect to you energetically. Your groundedness begins to guide your animal's nervous system to begin to settle. Your balanced energy eases their nervous system, helping them feel safe and slowly letting their guard down to release physical and emotional stress. Your groundedness begins to help them coregulate with you and increase their trust in you and themselves.
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Shift & Reconnect to Your Inner Joy
Getting into your happy place with your pet can be easy, especially when you are happy! Even if you are a little off and when you play with them, they can help you forget your troubles, raise your spirits and make you laugh. But, what about those days or moments you don't feel happy and want to bring some joy to your time with your animal?
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Live Your Best Life In Your Senior Years!
Senior animals have shared with me how they acknowledge, accept and trust the aging process. They have no apprehension or fear of it. They live in each moment of each day with full awareness. Our beloved animals live and lead from their heart, instinctively knowing how to graciously surrender and savour all aspects of the natural life cycles.
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Does Time Heal all Wounds?
Many of us have heard the old adage ‘Time heals all wounds,’ and we’ve said it to those in pain or grief. It is a saying we use in uncomfortable situations with the intention of being supportive and kind. However, pet parents who have recently lost their beloved animal often say they don’t find this helpful when they are in the midst of pain. It often makes a person feel more overwhelmed and like they may be grieving the wrong way. When they hear this, they feel rushed and need to hide their pain and return to “normal.” Everybody will process and grieve in their own way.
This got me questioning if it’s the passage of time that heals or if it is something else that heals.
I want to share a personal story of time, grief and healing. When I was 17, I faced an agonizing decision to have my 7-year-old horse, Time-L-Tel, live in pain from an irreparable broken kneecap or euthanize him.
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Ten Things to Say to Support Someone in Grief After the Loss of their Animal
Seeing a person grieving the loss of their animal who is in pain or suffering makes most people uncomfortable, and we naturally want to help them feel better and even try to ‘fix’ them. As lovely as our intentions are, grief does not need fixing. It needs to be witnessed.
Many people, in their uncomfortableness, are often at a loss for words. They stumble and inadvertently, in their awkwardness, say things that do not come across as comforting to the grieving person. Although well-intentioned, we are often unaware that what we believed to be helpful was actually hurtful.
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Shift your Relationship to a True Partnership!
Replacing your old perspective to that of "nothing is broken" nor “needs fixing” in your relationship alters the energy of everything and creates a new language! You begin to soften and think of your relationship differently. This thinking shifts your relationship towards a true partnership. A partnership as a team! The focus is on you as two independent beings who are individually whole in yourselves, shining in your light and bringing out the light in each other!
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Rescue Dog - What did I say yes to?
Soulstice, my rescue dog, hadn't been exposed to much normalcy and had lived what I considered an entire life before we met. She came with baggage that left her easily reactive, fearful and anxious in new situations. Helping a rescue feel safe and unpack their baggage is a slow process that requires consistency, patience, time and love for change to occur. It literally takes baby steps. And like other pet parents with rescues, I mess up, get frustrated, and, at times, even wonder- what did I get myself into?
Read our story.
Signs Of Connection And Comfort From Your Pet In The Afterlife
It is normal to feel disconnected after losing a beloved pet. After they are gone, you deeply long for some connection. There is a strong desire to receive a message from them, as you want to know they are okay.
I want to share three common blocks people experience after their pet's death that keeps them from feeling connected with them in the afterlife and common signs your pet may be trying to send you.
Why I Use Telepathy To Communicate With My Animals
Although you can communicate with your animal in many ways, TELEPATHY is their primary form of communication. Telepathy is a 2-way dialogue that occurs without spoken or written word.
So, why is telepathy animals' primary form of communication? Because telepathy allows for the exchange of sensory information via images, sensations, and knowing.
And animals rule the sensory world!